
We are frequently adding classes, so check back often to see what’s new!

Single Class

$12 per class

10-Class Punch Card

Buy 10 classes, get 1 free

Can be used with any and all classes


Anacortes Senior Activity Center
1701 22nd St, Anacortes

SongShine™ is a music-based Arts in Healthcare Program for those challenged by Parkinson's disease, stroke, other neurological disorders, or aging voices. It combines vocal music and drama-based classes to help persons affected by these challenges communicate more easily and clearly. Instructor and Speech-Language Pathologist Libby Lewis is accompanied by pianist David White, Licensed Marriage and Family Practitioner.

SongShine™ is not speech, music, or drama therapy and is not meant to replace these or other medical services.

LSVT Loud for Life®

LSVT Loud for Life® is an exercise class for people who have previously completed the LSVT-Loud® treatment protocol with a Speech Language Pathologist. Join other “graduates” in weekly exercise to maintain your strong voice. Class includes the standard LOUD exercises plus interactive conversations and fun, cognitively challenging activities to keep you Loud for Life!

Support Groups

Everyone can use a little support, especially when life takes an unexpected turn. Support groups offer community between individuals and families who are facing similar challenges. Please join us if:

You feel like you’re struggling alone and no one understands what you’re going through

You are new in your journey and don’t know what to expect or just have questions

You’ve been on your journey and have resources and successes that may encourage others and help them cope

Parkinson’s Disease Support Group / Parkinson’s Disease Care Partners Support Group

3rd Thursday of the month
11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Chandler’s Square
1300 O Ave, Anacortes

Persons living with PD meet in the library.

Parkinson’s Care Partners meet in the theatre.

Ask at the front desk for directions.

Stroke Support Group

1:00 – 2:30 pm

Westminster Presbyterian Church
1300 9th St., Anacortes

Open to stroke survivors and their care partners (joint group).

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Support Group

6:30 – 8:00 pm

Westminster Presbyterian Church
1300 9th St., Anacortes

Open to individuals living with TBI. At the group’s request, care partners are asked not to attend. (Please call if you have special needs that require care partner attendance)